Okay, I decided to make tonight my catch-up night on the blog here (hence, the Ketchup).
Now, I'm not too sure of blog etiquette, but Gini has posted several comments and I need to respond to some of them. (Does anyone know the proper etiquette? i.e. Do I respond in the 'comments' section, under someone's comments?) Hey, I don't claim to be a blog pro. Far from it. Well, until someone lets me know otherwise, I'll just reply back here.
Yes, Gini. You'll see small glimpses of the real me here at the blog, lol. And yes, I confess. I'm a rock'n'roller. I still prefer rock 'n roll to other types of music. Bob Seger is still my guy. I've probably just given away my age. But there you have it.
I also like some of the older country and gospel music (I grew up with family members playing music, osmosis kicked in, and these songs still run around in my head.)
I get dustbunnies and occasionally have to hunt them down. It's hilarious, and probably a good thing I don't do it very often. I get that Elmer Fudd look, you know? If I injure myself, my newsletter will be late. Then there'd be some real trouble.
Re doggie kisses -- No, no!! Never on the lips!!! But those sweet kisses are always welcome. I mostly get kisses behind the knee, if you can believe it. Frisk and Ben -- when they're walking behind me or almost caught up with me -- they sneak in those little kisses. As in, "We're right behind ya, mom. All the way. And just so you don't forget we're here, we're gonna remind you." Well, that's my interpretation, anyway.
Steve over at blytheblog took time out to say hi last week in his blog, so a hearty Hello back to you, Steve! Steve always makes me think -- and I enjoy knowing when he's posted something new for me to ponder. I am a thinker -- and a ponderer -- at heart. His blog allows you to sign up to be notified when he has new entries. If mine has that capability, I haven't figured it out yet. I've a long way to go with these blogs, I fear.
Nite all, I've got to refill my Ketchup. :-)